Using block optimization of categories, you can increase adsense earnings within 2 to 3 weeks in 2020.

What categories to block depends upon your niche. Low revenue generating ad impressions can be avoided in this way.

Techniques of including semantic keywords, doing on-page seo, off-page seo, building links, making guest posts can work sometimes.

But if you are getting the wrong ads, your adsense revenue will plummet.

The main reason for high adsense earnings is ranking #1 for high cpc keywords.

More you have such web pages with lot number of high paying keywords, your adsense income will also increase.

Read More : High Paying Adsense Keywords List in 2018 [ Gives you More than $30 per click]

The adsense earnings can increase with high CPM and CTR of Adsense ads.

Earnings will be better if you do the right SEO analysis of page content.

If you include right keywords of semantic value in your content, your adsense income with skyrocket high.

Keeping user search intent and experience in mind and producing awful content, will give great success.

This SEO tactic is valid irrespective of Panda, Penguin, Rankbrain etc algorithmic changes.

One of the simple approach to this kind of problem, that is conveniently overlooked, is the “Blocking” Technique.

Many think it’s a big task applying this principle.

But if you carefully weed out the grass from the crop, you can benefit from this simple strategy.

What is the “Blocking” Technique?

It is nothing but blocking the advertiser URLs, general, sensitive categories in Adsense to only display high converting Ads or impressions on the visitor’s computer.

This should be done in a systematic manner, instead of doing it randomly.

Generally, the optimization pane of Adsense suggests to unblock all categories.

But over a period of time, from my experience, I found that blocking unwanted categories which are giving low earnings, is a better bet than follow Adsense suggestions.

How to Implement the “Blocking” Procedure?

The following steps will walk you through the tentative process, on how I was able to reap benefit from this method.

  1. First copy all the list of advertising URLs from the above link.
  2. Then paste them in the text box provided. Click “Block URLs” button.
  3. Under “General Categories” there are several categories listed.
  4. Allow all categories initially.
  5. Similarly do the same thing under “Sensitive Categories”.
  6. After 2 weeks, look at the “%Ad Impressions” and “%Earnings”.
  7. If you see that any category “%Earnings” are way less than “%Ad Impressions” block them.
  8. As a general guideline, you can block those which are less than 1:1 ratio.

increase adsense earnings in 2017 by blocking advertising urls - how

My Experience with Blocking Advertising URLs?

I don’t remember when exactly I blocked certain advertising URLs. But it must be around 3 to 4 years. From then onwards I saw a steady increase in the Adsense income.

You can follow these steps to reach this topic.

  1. Login to your Adsense account.
  2. On the left side under Adsense > Allow & block ads > Content > All my sites. You need to click the arrow next to content to see “All my sites”.
  3. You can block a maximum of 500 URLs using this feature in Google Adsense.

Many publishers may have a doubt whether this comes under white hat or black hat SEO strategy. But you need not worry. This is 100% supported by Google and you can block any advertiser URL to your liking.

Case Study in Blocking General and Sensitive Categories?

When you have a look at the below image, you can see that I block the following “General” categories.

  1. Arts & Entertainment
  2. Beauty & Personal Care

Since the websites, I’m displaying my Adsense Ads are mostly on Tech and SEO niche, I could safely do this. As you can see, the “%Ad Impressions” were 3.0% and “%Earnings” were 0.6%. The percentage of earnings were far less than the percentage of Ad Impressions. So, I resorted to blocking that category completely.

increase adsense earnings in 2017 by blocking general categories

Earlier I blocked “Finance” category to see any change in earnings.

Now I wanted to see if “Finance” category ads are doing well. So, I unblocked them.

But for starters, you can unblock all and run the experiment for 2 weeks. Then you can block the low-paying CPC ad categories.

Bookmark this article and come back after 2 weeks and I will show the results of this experiment.

You can also do the same with “Sensitive” categories.

For example, I blocked the following categories initially.

  1. “References to Sex & Sexuality”
  2. “Dating”.

This was done taking user experience into consideration. So, after 2 weeks, I can see the results.

increase adsense earnings in 2017 by blocking sensitive categories

One thing you can observe from this current image is that, “Drugs & Supplements” category is serving 24% Ad Impressions and giving 18.2% Earnings, which is impressive by my standards. So, I kept it unblocked for the current experiment. 

If I find that the %Earnings are decreasing with this setup I may have to resort to the last set up.

Always make notes of what categories you are blocking and when, to find out which works out for your niche. There is no disadvantage in doing that. Google does not impose any penalties with this type of experiments.


You can see that there are other options like “Ad networks”, “Ad serving”, “Ad review center” etc which are more subtle changes.

You need to spend lot of time in reviewing these items and blocking if any. So it’s best to leave them as it is. I also observed that the amount of time required to find out which works and which doesn’t is little big.

Also, you can let all the categories under “Ad serving” to be allowed.

This setting worked for me which produced around $5 CPM for my tech niche blog. The “Ad Review” center blocking takes lot of time to implementing.

You have to go through each Ad which works for your niche and which doesn’t. Even though your Internet connection is much faster, the amount of time taken to go the next page is also not less.

This is because, all the Adsense report transactions take place via client-server architecture, which depends on the Adsense server load speed.

Please share this article in your social circles if you like it. Come back after 2 weeks and you can see the results of my case-study.


  1. Michael Peter says:

    Hello Admin The link to low cpc adsense list is not working. and where can i copy the block url??

    1. @Peter: I have updated the post with a new link to list of low cpc advertiser urls that can be blocked.

  2. Michael Peter says:

    Please sir you might want to check out my list maybe it be a replacement to the broken link above.

  3. Michael,

    Great article! Since you wrote this piece, how did you decide to proceed regarding the drugs/supplement category? I saw a similar up-side down ratio in my data recently (with %impressions nearly double the %earnings) and with similar magnitude (if I recall, 32% impressions and about 15% earnings). I had not seen something that dramatic in my data, and I immediately blocked the ads without further testing. Similar to your methodology, I’ve always blocked anything with an impressions/earnings ratio < 1, with only positive results. I've never understood why my optimization alerts inside Adsense always insist that I unblock ALL categories for greater revenue; however, and against my better judgment, I decided to go ahead and and run a experiment inside my account, and my revenue dropped significantly. In fact, RPM continued on a steady decline into January 2019. At the conclusion of the blocking experiment, my original blocking settings were reinstated. It's mid-March now, and my RPM is just now beginning and upward trend, yet when I log into my account each day, a new opportunity alert awaits — suggesting that I unblock ALL general categories for increased revenue LOL. Anyway, I look forward to hearing any followups you may have from the supplements experiment. Interesting case. 🙂

    1. typo correction …

      In my comment above, I said that I’ve always blocked ads with an impressions:earnings ratio less than 1. I meant to say greater than 1 (when %impressions exceed %earnings). I only keep ads with %earnings that exceed %impressions. Just wanted to clarify for other readers who might be searching for info about those data.

    2. @chris. Thanks for your comment. I feel happy there is another person, who shares the same insights as me. Yes, I too found confusing why “Adsense optimization alerts” keep telling to unblock all categories. I have done the same “fault” or “experiments” as yours as unblocking all and blocking all and then coming to the current state of blocking categories based on impressions/earnings ratio. I hope much many users come up with their results, so this could help other bloggers.

      BTW, I (the owner and writer of this blog) am not Michael, but Palla from India. 🙂

  4. Good Article. Thanks for nice tips to increase Adsense revenue.

  5. Most of the sites are using link ads and recently I have observed many blogs which using link ads. Personally, I have also started blog and I can say If you are not using links ads on your sites then you need to implement it. As per my personal experience using links ads in navigation bar can increase your earning dramatically.

  6. Great articles. We have been working also on a website and tried forum posting and ON page optimization too but the main thing we left to DO is the SEO.

    1. Forum posting is a good method of getting backlinks. But most good forums don’t allow and moderate the links. Hence, the maximum you can get are profile links from forums. I would suggest guest posting as a better alternative. Also web reach out to bloggers, can be good. 🙂

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