The most important factor in order to get high paying adsense keywords is to use the right tool.

Some of the top paying adsense keywords can be obtained using keyword planner and other free tools.

If you know the way of getting high paying keywords in your niche, it is more easy to develop your content.

The best thing about LSI keyword research tools is that, they’ll give you an idea on how to get top paid keywords.

This keyword research tutorial will give you high cpc keywords list in different niches.

It will give you fair idea of how much you can make money online.

You can also learn about the ways to find the best adsense niches to generate high google adsense income.

Targeting low competition and high CPC keywords is the key in making money with Google Adsense.

The high paying adsense keyword can earn you around $57 in insurance niche.

For example the keyword “mesothelioma life expectancy after diagnosis” can earn you $174.31.

But these are difficult topics to write about and need some expertise.

Oh, Did I mention what is CPC?

Well, its a short form for Cost Per Click.

Its the amount you earn each time a visitor of your site clicks on your ad.

The CPC is determined by the advertiser who are willing to pay for advertising on your site through Google.

Mostly it”ll be CPA which is nothing but Cost-per-Action.

That is, unless your visitor does some particular action as mentioned by the advertiser terms, you will not get high returns on Google Adsense income.

10 Niches you have Highest Paying Adsense Keywords

The keyword analysis of 1,000,000 million and above queries by seo tools like ahrefs, semrush, etc has given the following results. It is observed that the following niches generate high paying keywords for google adsense.

  1. Insurance
  2. Loans
  3. Business
  4. Attorney
  5. Finance
  6. Lawyer
  7. Travel
  8. Health
  9. Technology
  10. Service

[Source : ]

2020 List of High CPC Keywords

Here is a list of high paying adsense keyword list (technology related) that are having high Avg. CPC bidding on them by advertisers.

Once you target and rank well for these keywords, you can easily earn good income for Adsense program.

For this you need at-least 1000 visits per day from all types of visitor traffic.



cloud computing technology


call center technology


information technology degrees


technology credit union


information technology degree


information technology schools


virtualization technology


cloud technology


information technology education


information technology consulting


information technology colleges


cloud technology companies


information technology training


visible technologies


technology insurance


information technology courses


information technology security


technology degrees


virtual technology


information technology management


This list is useful for tech bloggers who are going to implement the above said strategies in 2018. [Data source : Google Adwords]

Insurance High Paying CPC Keywords

S.NoKeywordmin CPC (Rs)max CPC (Rs)
1geico insurance268.2133600.93
2usa quotes2637.58242.2
3auto insurance florida1500.776871.25
4usa insurance claims325.576810.12
5get auto insurance quotes1454.756632.22
6auto insurance quotes1449.946489.36
7automobile insurance quotes online1499.396477
8car insurance florida1404.616428.92
9car and auto insurance quotes1171.086351.99
10auto ins quotes1524.816285.36

Loans High Paying CPC Keywords

S.NoKeywordTop of page bid (low range)Top of page bid (high range)
1va loan1769.435460.04
2business loan1412.343776.44
3refinance mortgage1259.273273.14
4private student loans602.172997.12
5reverse mortgage975.012962.79
6mortgage loan refinance1195.082824.78
7secured loans611.782670.91
8debt consolidation loan1038.182567.98
9refinance mortgage rates1061.522500.69
10home loans861.262463.61

Mortgage High Paying CPC Keywords

S.NoKeywordmin CPC (Rs)max CPC (Rs)
1va home loan1888.296152.38
2va loan1769.55460.24
3va mortgage1131.64449.49
4mortgage pre approval1054.013638.56
5chase manhattan mortgage444.953433.25
6refinance home mortgage loans1503.083339.18
7refinance mortgage1259.323273.26
8refinance home mortgage1090.43271.89
9conventional mortgage304.193197.04
10which mortgage160.433113.36

 Attorney High Paying CPC Keywords

S.NoKeywordmin CPC (Rs)max CPC (Rs)
1credit attorney380.6717056.81
2injury attorney3549.7512730.6
3personal injury attorney3339.4912055.14
4tax lawyer957.186871.37
5pi attorney731.115153.53
6credit lawyer426.714522.05
7criminal defense attorney922.143909.81
8criminal attorney786.093779.26
9los angeles attorney371.053731.16
10criminal attorney near me607.433623.96

Credit High Paying CPC Keywords

S.NoKeywordmin CPC (Rs)max CPC (Rs)
1credit fraud1030.716520.25
2credit protection531.164816.15
3credit monitoring services555.214267.81
4credit monitoring452.144198.41
5disney credit card245.313401.33
6credit score monitoring687.823202.75
7monitor your credit890.532921.71
8best credit repair531.842776.72
9credit repair786.772721.06
10credit report no credit card296.842707.32

Lawyer High Paying CPC Keywords

Keywordmin CPC (Rs)max CPC (Rs)
credit attorney380.417044.71
accident lawyer3800.6115827.97
personal injury lawyer3034.3110505.75
find a personal injury lawyer2966.3310299.75
asbestos lawyers1544.969971.07
injury lawyer2572.889931.02
wrongful death lawyer2127.948492.49
injury law firm1716.637442.6
tax lawyer956.56866.5
accident law firm1873.186831.48

 Donate High Paying CPC Keywords

Keywordmin bid CPC (Rs)max bid CPC (Rs)
christian charities157.1612203.1
christian charity organizations157.167678.32
the donation304.416412.1
where to give donations225.795124.6
monthly charity donations567.213973.68
charity monthly donation766.753823.93
donate my car1324.563286
donate your car1306.032940.11

Degree High Paying CPC Keywords

Keywordmin bid CPC (Rs)max bid CPC (Rs
online degree in1328.089531.66
online teaching degree1708.226827.38
online school degrees1867.016640.4
online bachelors degree in education1831.276562.73
online education degree2399.076351.69
online colleges2429.326159.9
accredited online college degrees2250.246122.1
online schools for bachelors1996.935854.69
online university bachelor degree1384.455798.32
online ba degree programs2119.295765.33

Hosting High Paying CPC Keywords

S.NoKeywordmin bid CPC (Rs)max bid CPC (Rs)
1google web hosting617.9645993.57
2google hosting342.8142092.17
3managed server hosting1167.2616945.22
4managed dedicated server hosting2940.8111679.49
5dedicated linux hosting734.269038.05
6virtual dedicated hosting892.619038.05
7managed dedicated server1888.918831.7
8virtual server hosting946.178805.97
9managed server972.268479.82
10dedicated hosting1318.168479.82

Claim High Paying CPC Keywords

S.NoKeywordmin bid CPC (Rs)max bid CPC (Rs)
1claim today1820.086831.3
2accident claim helpline1841.176201.19
3injury claim lawyers1444.715809.06
4injury claims1850.345162.23
5accident claims1832.15080.56
6personal injury solicitors2378.884958.03
7accident claim line1817.754890.78
8accident claim solicitors1980.424827.05
9auto insurance report744.334537.38
10accident claim companies1911.894503.63

How to find High CPC Keywords using Keyword Planner and LSI Graph?

It’s not that easy to make money online sitting from home.

Though there are various routes like direct advertising, affiliate programs, CPC ads, online form filling, taking surveys etc. Its so easy to get drowned in these marketing ideas without earning any penny.

But if you are willing to put some hard work on long term basis, then Google Adsense is the right online earning method for you.

This recommendation is after I failing in lot of attempts in earning money online.

LSI Graph tool to get high paying keywords for Google Adsense

Initially after writing a blog post, your Search Console will fill up with search queries after a period of time.

These are like golden nuggets for further targeting list of high cpc keywords.

Taking the keyword that is generating the most impressions, insert that as the seed keyword in the lsi graph tool.

lsi graph to get high cpc keywords

As you can see this tool generates further more lsi keyword with other data.

These include competition, price, lsi index etc.

Our interest is to find the semantic keywords having high paying cpc.

These can be sprinkled in your article in tune with the article rhythm. This way it will improve your adsense income.

Keyword Planner

After you get a Google Adsense account, you can also register for Adwords account. Keyword Planner is one free tool provided in it to get keyword ideas. The link to this tool is – 

The steps to reach this tool are as follows.

  1. Login to the Adwords dashboard.
  2. Click the Tools item at the top.
  3. From the drop-down select “Keyword Planner“.

Why to find top paying Adsense Keywords?

Once you bought a domain and build a website or blog, you are good to go with Google Adsense program.

You just need to pick a niche on which you are going to target your audience and write some quality articles related to that topic.

Adsense earnings are initially not that profitable.

So unless you refine your content that give good keyword rankings with high CPC, Adsense program is not at all useful.

For example, you may get 2000 visitors per day for a low paying adsense keyword with CPC of $0.1 to $0.2. Taking CTR of 1%, you will get around 20 clicks.

This will earn you only $2 per day.

On the other hand if you target and achieve the milestone of a good ranking for high paying keyword, your adsense revenue will increase. For example you get $1 per click, but you have only CTR of 0.5% for the same above example, you will get 10 clicks.

But the profit if $10 per day.

After writing around 10 to 25 articles, you can subscribe for the Google Adsense program.

Though it took me around 6 months (and I think this still stands for new subscribers) to obtain my Adsense account. there are various blog posts that mention getting Adsense account in few days to months.

Read More – How To Do Keyword Research using Google Keyword Planner ?

Importance of  CPC in Keyword Research

If you are still adamant in getting good income from Adsense program, you can start a micro-niche site.

(For example, I started as one).

For this you need to do a little bit of  keyword research using free tools like Keyword Planner or go for a paid one like LongTail Pro.

If you target low cpc ads, you are bound to have more impressions but less income.

Though the CPC data is not accurate as mentioned in the tools, you can take them as a baseline.

For example, if a keyword has a CPC value of $9.87 in the tool, you may not get the exact amount for every click.

Sometimes you may get more money for each click and less other times.

It all depends on what type of ad and how much the advertise is bidding on the ad. Also the action involved in completing the google adsense ad is also important in the outcome of revenue.

Why do you get low CPC like $0.01 or $0.05 per click ?


The above is the screenshot of my earnings in and around 2014.

As you can see the total revenue is not that high. The reasons for such low paying google adsense can be many.

If you get traffic from third class countries like pakistan, africa, india, thailand, asia countries, your CPC is bound to be low. This is because the advertisers in this country bid less.

Other times you may have paid traffic, but the amount of visitors completing the action to get a particular CPC may not be high.

You can also have illegitimate traffic. Your competitors may be clicking on your ads or inflating bids on your adsense paying keyword list and cause the CPC to go low.


So the final bottom line is that you need to target high CPC keywords in your article or blog post to make decent income with Google Adsense.

Otherwise, you will be on of those who are earning 0.01$ per click or 0.1$ per click, which will put water on your efforts.

Please comment in the section below about your experience of earning through high paying adsense keywords. Is it easy? Or the competition is tough?


  1. great post , this article really help me so much , thanks to the author 🙂

  2. Thanks for great post

  3. Pritam paul says:

    Great post sir…!
    By reading your post just 2 days I created a blog (insurance niche).

    2 good quality post I have written, where my targeted keyword ad is showing.

    Problem is my blog is new and competition is too tough so it’s impossible for me to rank #1 in google.

    Now, sir I want to know my family members (USA) to click my ad will I that amount ($170)…?

    Also, I read AdSense policy and I know if same person clicks your ad you will get banned. But if same person clicks ad in an interval of 7 days nothing will happen. Which I am doing from long days. But what I want to know from you is if I exchange Adclicks in an interval of 10-15 days to my targeted keyword will I get that amount? Also since amount is huge is there any chance that google will block me .
    (Say I exchange clicks in an interval of 20 days from a same person)

    Eagerly waiting for your reply. Since, I am from India but my brother-in-law and whole family lives in US.

    You are expert. I want to know from you. Please reply sir

    1. Palla Sridhar says:

      @Pritam. Thanks for the question. But your idea of making money with Adsense is totally wrong. What are you doing is “black-hat” method and will get your Adsense account banned within a few days. It may work out for a month or two, but even 1 wrong can get you banned. The best way is to improve traffic from US organically, by writing good content and then improving on-site & off-site SEO. Atleast if your RPM is $3 and you get 5k impressions each days, you will earn $15. Even traffic from countries like India can bring you $2. So $10 is not a bad bet. Finally, what your idea is wrong and it doesn’t work out that way.

    2. Deepak chandel says:

      yes, brother, you can use this method sometimes but not daily. if you do bet click will disabled adsense account. but i want to know that how much get 1 click CPC from USA in your blog.

  4. Hi Palla Sridhar,

    Great post , this article really help me so much , thanks to the author

  5. makawana vikram says:

    nice article
    keep Up The Good Work
    Realy I Loved This Article And Also Like You
    Thanks, Admin For Sharing This Amazing Article

  6. First, I had love to say thank you so much for such good content. I have a question though, I follow similar tips on another blog and it worked fine for me but only for a few like days. Like 10 to 20 days I was earning up to $15 per day then it suddenly stopped. Is that methods black-hat too?

  7. Head Above Water says:

    i tired it but it not working

  8. This is indeed very helpful. I’ll write about cloud computing technology list now and see how it will go. Thanks!

    1. @Techpunch: The list get go endless. But search queries are also an important signal in your content writing strategy.

  9. lokesh vijay says:

    hello sir, very nice article , it is very use ful for new bees like me in blogging . thanks for sharing it

  10. Montu rai says:

    great article i wm write insurance article but i am not etting high cpc please help what i do

  11. Harpreet Singh says:

    thanks for the information.

  12. Shivam Shakya says:

    very informative and useful article .. Thankyou

  13. Vishal Prajapati says:

    I became fan of your article thank you so much

  14. Maooz Ahmad says:

    Thank You! For sharing such a great article, It’s been a amazing article.
    It’s provide lot’s of information, I really enjoyed to read this,
    i hope, i will get these kinds of information on a regular basis from your side.

  15. ghulam mustafa says:

    nice information..thanks for it

  16. saubhagya kumar padhan says:

    nice cpc article

  17. Latest Techno says:

    wonderfull, Thanks for sharing such a great article about High CPC keyword.

  18. Fariha chaudhry says:

    great post, this article really help me so much, nice information, I became a fan of your article thank you so much thanks to the author…

  19. Rohit Kumar Baidya says:

    This High CPC Keyword list is useful to decide the niche I want to blog.
    It gives a fair idea of the amount of revenue involved in Adsense.

  20. Ranveer Sharma says:

    thank you seotipsit nice post

  21. Thariq Ali says:

    Nice and please help me to increase my blog….

  22. Good Article! Awesome!

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